Home Remedy is promoted by Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), an organization that is committed to reviving the local health traditions.
This website is designed to promote healthy living, the natural way through advice on safe health practices related to primary health care.
The information on this site is reliable because it is referenced from authentic medical texts and the living traditions of Ayurveda, Siddha, Gso-rig-pa, and Unani.
The ailments covered in this website are limited to minor problems, mild deviations from normal health and those that can be easily diagnosed and self-managed. References to complex and chorine ailments that do need professional medical advice have been deliberately avoided. The primary health care problems listed in the website have been categorized into the following major groups:
The plants/ plant material short-listed for this guide have been selected on the following criteria:
The information on this site is reliable because it is referenced from authentic medical texts and the living traditions of Ayurveda, Siddha, Gso-rig-pa, and Unani.
Home Remedy is promoted by Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), an organization that is committed to reviving the local health traditions. Over the last 10 years, it has conducted extensive research into the theory, practice and scientific validation of different health traditions and has organized programs for conservation of resources and for transmission of the heritage. It has received prestigious international awards such as the 'Norman Borlaug Prize' and the United Nation's 'Equator Prize'. The Rosenthal Centre for Complementary & Alternative Medicine, in the Columbia University, New York, awarded FRLHT with its first award for "International Cultural Stewardship".
HOME GARDENSuggested Citation: B. S. Somashekhar, G. S. Goraya, D. K. Ved, Unnikrishnan P. M., Ravikumar K., Gangadharan G. G., Suma Tagadur Sureshchandra, Shilpa Naveen, Vijay Srinivas, Venugopal S. N.; Additional inputs: Soumyashree N., Sagar D. Sangale.
Amruth Home Remedies. Version 2.2.0 (http://www.homeremedy.in/)
Copyright © 2020 Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions/TDU, Bangalore.
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